Hold onto your bots

Hold onto your bots illustration spiders word Mars asking how businesses are looking after people - staff retention

Holding onto your bots can be quite a challenge.  As people go round and round the labour market looking for the best they can find, you may need to think about how to attract and retain your bots.  

There’s more to benefits than a couple of day’s a year to volunteer.  That may sound all well and good but have you covered the basics like a fair salary, good holiday allowance, compassionate leave etc.  Let’s face it, we all need money and so many companies are now offering vouchers and stuff like that as benefits but we can’t pay our gas bills with vouchers.  Money first, extras after.  What do you think? 

Think about how much money a business will spend paying people to find people for jobs where the turnover is high, often due to low pay.  What really makes sense and how best can a business use its talent?