How can I help?

Delving into the psychological impact of HR processes.  Are job descriptions and person specifications realistic or could jobs be designed around people?  How do people feel during a probationary period, if insecure is that really working for businesses?  What records are businesses keeping and for how long, what about unconscious bias across people and how are talented bullies being managed.  Then there’s micro-management, are businesses getting the most from their talented managers through developing their teams?  If having to say goodbye to someone how is that being managed.  It’s all in the mix and I can work with you on your communications and engagement in HR which, if good, means less employee relations issues and a focus on people and business development.

Consultative and collaborative approach can be found here.

so what about me?

With over nine years experience in human resources, a few more years as a trainer in office skills and social media, 15 to 20 years in law firms as a PA/Office Manager and 15 years experience in digital marketing, organising events and all PR and working with sponsors I can offer you business development support.


We can discuss your culture and your vision and how you are developing this.  I’ll work with you on time management of projects and how you are billing as well as how you will attract and retain the right talent for your business.  What about your social responsibility, how are you connecting in your industry and local area, we can bring this into your networking and social media.  How are your policies looking – are they working for your staff and how are you motivating and rewarding people, that’s all in the mix.

Black and white woman illustration with a back dog.


I’m a natural networker and will find connections for you in your industry and area through social media, looking for events for you, working on community initiatives, seeing if you can connect with disadvantaged people, working with you on diversity and equality and raising your profile on and off line.  I’ll work with your branding and create campaigns for you that can be on trend, a play on words and including art work.


Walsall Arts Fest Founder – designing numerous art events bringing artists from across the genres together, some award winning.  Taking initial ideas including “globalisation and heritage” and creating interactive art events where poets and performers responded to art work around the theme.  Public displays of art work to give to the public.  Working with business studies students on a dinner/art auction raising £1,001 for three local children with cerebral palsy.  Hosting Q&A, managing all PR including talking on radio, getting front page coverage with the press as well as coverage on line and TV coverage. 

Psychology degree and CIPD Graduate qualification.  Creating art work and exhibiting in different parts of the UK.  Configuring databases to manage processes.  Training in a classroom and developing colleagues.  Creating @visitwalsall with over 1,000 local followers.  Promoting markets and events as well as trader liaison.  Promoting businesses on social media.  Working with leading sponsors like Launer London, Ironlak and OWB and many small businesses.  Full secretarial training with RSAs.  Scriptwriting, HTML, Adobe Illustrator, Access, Excel at night school or short courses.  Dreamweaver and WordPress for website design.  Adobe Photoshop for freehand drawing and graphics.  Hand painted art work and digital art work.

Have you got a piece of work to discuss?  You can call me on 07949 777462 or send over some basic details and I’ll be in touch.